Plants that will attract wildlife . . . Hummingbirds, Butterflies, Bees and Birds

Gardening to attract wildlife is easy and rewarding. You can create an abundant food supply and simultaneously build a beautiful habitat for bees, butterflies, songbirds and hummingbirds.
Always try to choose as many native plants as possible and the goal is plant diversity, the more diverse the plant mass the more wildlife you will attract and support.

Here is a partial list of proven bee, humming bird, butterfly and bird garden plants :

Annuals: Asters, Heliotrope, Cosmos, Fuschia, Dahlias, Marigolds, Poppies, Sunflowers,
      and Zinnias.

Perrenials: Clematis, Crocuses, Echinacea, Black-eyed Susan, Foxglove, Honeysuckle,
      Geraniums, Globe Thistle, Hollyhocks, Hyacinth, Rock Cress, Roses,Sedum, Snowdrops.

Fruiting Garden Plants:

Herbs: Bee Balm,Catnip, Cilantro, Dill, Fennel, Lavender, Lemon Balm, Mints,

Shrubs:Blueberry, Butterfly Bush, Weigelia, Viburnum, Dogwood, Spirea, Nine-bark, Salaal

Trees:Holly, Black Locust, Hawthorns, Redbud, Willow, Golden Rain Tree, Linden, Magnolia,

Fruiting Trees- Apple, Cherry, Plum, Hazels, Pear, Peach, Nectarine


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