Gardening For The Birds

One of my guilty pleasures is feeding the birds in back yard so usually looks like Logan Airport at rush hour with everything from juncos and titmice to blue jays and yellow finches. We also get lots of morning doves and red tailed hawks have been known to visit. The first of the hummingbirds came on schedule around May 1 this year and we had to rush the feeder out of its winter hibernation and into action. This is always the time to get your hummingbird feeder and put it out. Hummingbirds are very territorial and will come back to the same area and feeder, so you want to put your feeder in the exact same spot for at least a couple of years, then you could move it within a reasonable distance if you need to in the future. The ratio of sugar to water for their food is 1:4, or ½ cup sugar to two cups water. Change the sugar water every few days in hot weather so it doesn’t ferment. Our hummers have been visiting a lot and it looks like the new family is about ready to head south for ...